Wednesday 10 August 2011


Again, due to rioting we're stuck indoors because everything has been shut down. Therefore I've decided to devote a little time to my new blogging hobby!

Unlike the lads in flat above us, if I watch anymore TV or dvds I'm going to scream, I cannot update my facebook status anymore or people will hate me, and if I stay on the latter social networking site any longer it only leads to dreaded stalking... And that never ends well, as previous experience has taught me.

So what to do in times of such boredom. I've suggested cards, but we found ourselves lacking cards. Bake? Not enough butter. Conversation? We ran out hours ago. So, we went to the Chinese for spring rolls in the rain, despite the fact I finished my dinner about an hour ago.

I think its well and truly time to whip out the wine and suggest a game of charades. However, charades always makes me think of swinger’s parties for some reason...

I'm off to try and create fun without technology...

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