Friday 12 August 2011

Today I woke up fully dressed...

Oh dear, we did make a little mess of ourselves last night...

Sign of a good night
1) It takes you a good ten minutes or so to figure out how you got home.
2)You don't remember eating chips, but you are vomiting chips.
3)You have two dishes on your room because apparently you came home and decided to cook at least three different meals.
4)You have no idea how you got that bruise.
5)You cringe at the pictures.
6) You smell of tequila.
7)You cannot look at the tequila.

But apparently I had a wonderful time and danced the whole night.

I would like to write about a topic matter today, but to be quite frank I'm far to hung-over today.

So I shall bid farewell until I CAN write about something insightful.

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