Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Laughter is the best medicine.

My productive stage isn't getting me anywhere as of yet. But having a night out with an old college friend certainly has cheered me right up, despite how disastrous the night may have been.

My second job is promoting an event at a club in Manchester, let’s call it 'Lion, Lion'... I have to admit, it isn't my scene at all, but the money was (note the past tone) good, and I was willing to try it out. So I, an old college comrade and a few University friends dolled up and headed off to Manchester.

 Let it be known that before setting of into town we first consumed copious amounts off rum, and then visited my wonderful workplace that is the 'Hula Lounge' and drank even more rum, tequila and sambuca, then we fell over a lot outside, then we made our way to the club.

I stick out like a sore thumb in clubs... I'm not orange enough, I hate the music and when I dance I look like I am doing aerobics. I do however have a fantastic time as my friends are also absolute idiots!

I have to admit though I was getting rather bored, until I received a panicked text of one of the girls saying: 'Meet me at the bar!!' I did so, to find her pale faced, when I asked her what had happened and she blurted out ''A' just stole a bottle of Moet from behind the bar!'

So we went to find 'A' sitting on her own with the stolen goods drunkenly mumbling 'Ta Da!//###!£"'

Had we been sober, we may have come up with a better plan other than 'LEG IT!'

So once caught, 'A' was banned from 'Lion, Lion', I was £52 short after paying for the unconsumed bottle, and I think its safe to say I wont be receiving this weeks wages or asked to work in the future.

On the plus side, we did get to then go to Satan’s Hollow which is always good fun, and I am not going to lie, the whole thing was rather funny and did perk me up.

However, I am a big softy and begged my boss to understand I had nothing to do with the theft, yet I still feel overwhelming guilty for some reason! I think I will remain on the right side of the law for now, I'm definitely not cut out for the criminal world.

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